Last semester I decided to retake beginning 3D, as I did not feel confident enough to move to the next level. One of our first assignments was to model an object of our choice. I chose my old high school football helmet. It was the first time I have done texture mapping and laying out UVs. I have to say that the project was painstakingly difficult when it came to laying out UVs. After the dust has settled, I am glad I know how to do it, and I was happy with how it turned out. The project is not done by any means, it will just be added to the long list of projects waiting to be completed someday...
Pretty sweet, I like the exageration on the stick marks. Really pushed the extreme on that one. Haha, j/k man, be nice to see a little bit of the plan view with it. Anyways good stuff, You should post it on ACME get some critiques.
Nice job! I am wondering if I can have a copy of the model?
I am volunteering to video one of our local peewee football teams games in this upcoming season. The reason is I have found out that about 7 of the fathers of kids on the team are serving in Iraq. (I live and work in a military town). It would be neat if the fathers could watch their kid on the web!
Anyway I thought it would be awesome if I opened the video with something similar to the animated crashing helmets they used on MNF a couple of seasons ago.
I have search my butt off looking for a video clip of that actual animation but cannot find it. (not that I want to use it, just to jog my memory on how it actually looked)...
I have downloaded Blender. And to start, I need a NFL helmet model.
The next thing would probably be to storybook the anim? (I'm new at this but more then willing to learn)...
I need to know how to render the animation that will be put on a video. Things like what resolution do I need to render in? What format should the final render be in?
Obviously I need to read up on creating blender animations for beginners....
Any help, comments, suggestions will surely be appreciated!
I can be reached at: rayj00@yahoo.com
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